FNH 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Digestive Enzyme, Lysophospholipid Receptor, Goblet Cell

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Digestive enzyme salivary a(cid:373)ylase (cid:894)star(cid:272)h sugar(cid:895) R-factor protein necessary for vitamin b12 absorption. Mucous-secreting cells: secrete an alkaline mucous; thick layer protects the stomach wall against shear stress and acid damage. Parietal cells: secrete hcl and intrinsic factor (vit b12 absorption) G cells: secrete gastrin from pyloric region. Protein digestive enzyme, pepsin (acid-stable) (chief cells) Digestive enzymes (p. amylase, trypsin, p. lipase) Acidic chyme stimulates secretion of secretin: lipase: Gip inhibits secretion of gastric juices and slows release of stomach content into s. i. Crypt glands found between villi secrete intestinal juices (contain water and intestinal digestive enzymes). Di- and tri- peptidase (digestion small peptides) Terminal ileum only site for vitamin b12 absorption and bile resorption/recycling. Factors that influence time of digestion/absorption: fibre content fat, protein content. Bacterial synthesis of 2 vitamins vitamin k and biotin. Endocytosis (energy required) used by infants to absorb immune bodies.