KIN 103 Midterm: KIN 103 MIDTERM 1 STUDY.docx

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Document Summary

Wellness: dimensions of wellness, physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, environmental, physical fitness, health related components. Speed: factors impacting health, heredity, environmental, access to medical care, major causes of death, affluent diseases in 2000s (cancer, heart attack, etc) Tobacco use > inactivity > alcohol: recommendations for physical activity. 30mins/5 days mod-vig: adherence to healthy lifestyle, enabling factors : goal setting, self-assessment, self-monitoring, self-planning, time management, performance skills. Stress management: stress, physiological/emotional response disturbing homeostasis, response to stress, physical/physiological response. Endocrine: sam (sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axis, short term response (epi/norepi, hpa (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenacortical axis, cortciotropin-releasing hormone (crh) -> acth -> cortisol, emotional response (anxiety, depression, behaviour reponse. Somatic ns (pns: types of stress, environmental (climate, noise, physiological (injury, disease, etc, emotional (major, minor, effects of epinephrine and cortisol, epinephrine. Decreased pupil, airway, blood to gi, saliva: cortisol. More muscle waste, fat storage and decreased cognitive function. Leads to allostatic load (wear and tear of ns: sleep affects stress levels, regulated by scn in hypothalamus.