PSYC 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Josef Breuer, Nancy School, Cultural Relativism

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8 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Uses psychodiagnosis manual with all criteria in order to diagnosis (dsm- psychodiagnostic manual: *attempt to describe, assess, systematically draw inferences about an individual"s psych disorder therapy used to control abnormal behaviour. Clinical psych mostly w/ sicker people (sick enough to be in hospital) Mental health counseling (usually ma) mostly w/everyday pop, can"t diagnosis, just therapy. Psychiatry prescribe medication, some therapy but mostly meds. Psychiatric social work some therapy, planning for discharge. *^all of above can do theraphy (talk therapy) but differs on pop. Psychologists use diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm-iv-tr) ^ defn of abnormal behaviour= *clinically significant behavioural/psychological syndrome or pattern that is associated w/[resent distress/disability/with significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability/loss of freedom . Not specific enough in terms of when something is intense enough to diagnose. 4 ways of judging abnormal behaviour (4 d"s: 1. Contextual and cultural limitations in defining abnormal psych. Thomas szasz- mental illness is myth: 1.