ANP 1106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Malleolus, Weight-Bearing, Ischial Tuberosity
Document Summary
Bony thorax: thoracic vertebrae + ribs + costal cartilage + sternum, protective cage around heart, lungs & major blood vessels, supports shoulder girdle & upper limbs, provides area of muscle attachment for back, chest & shoulders. Pectoral girdle: 2 pairs of bones: clavicles & scapulae almost a complete circle around upper trunk to make shoulders: Posteriorly: bones are light & very movable attachment points of muscles to move upper limbs, because scapulae only attached laterally, socket of shoulder joint (glenoid cavity) is shallow & poorly reinforced. Longest bone of upper limb/only bone of arm . Articulates with sapula & radius + ulna. ), intertubercular sulcus, surgical neck (what happens here?) 2 condyles: trochlea: articulates with ulna, caputulum: articulates with radius, ulnar nerve behind medial epicondyle (site of muscle connection) 2 parallel long bones: radius & ulna. Articulates with humerus & wrist bones; also articulates with each other at proximal & distal radio-ulnar joints.