ANP 1106 Midterm: Skeletal system 3 [Appendicular skeleton] (All you need to know for midterms)

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Pectoral girdle ataches upper limbs to body trunk. 2 pairs of bones: clavicles (collar bone) & scapulae (almost a complete circle around upper trunk) [ /shoulder bone] Atachment points of muscles that move upper limbs. Socket of shoulder joint (glenoid cavity) is shallow & poorly reinforced. Curvature ensures outward fracture, away from subclavian artery. Inserion points for muscles, also a brace to push arms laterally. Dorsally (at the back), between ribs 2 & 7. Coracoid process: serves to stabilize the shoulder joint. Spine: separaing the supra- from the infraspinatous fossa. Acromion: ariculates with the clavicle to form acromioclavicular joint. Anatomical neck: points where breaks tend not to occur due to its thickness. Surgical neck: point where breaks tend to occur. Primary movement of arm abducion, pulls when liting the arm away from body. Points of atachment for bones in forearms, contributes to formaion of elbow. Trochlea ariculates with ulna; capitulum ariculates with radius.