CMN 2170 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Semantic Web, Lawrence Lessig, Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

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30 multiple choice (scantron: facts (e. g. dates, percentages) Pick 4 of 8 short answer: one or two paragraphs per response, provide examples where possible. Prepare to give examples: what are the three levels of convergence? (3 part answer on slides) Defining new & media : various ways to define new, know what to look for and how to defend your response, short answer question example, What media do we have and which are new? . Convergence: (examples of each: venn diagram. Different categories of things that are converging: technology, services, industries. The different levels where we can see convergence happening. Example of 3-way convergence; ipad ordering at restaurants. Tech: ipad, industry: hospitality/restaurants, services: the shift from human interaction to online ordering. Mass media system vs. hybrid media system. Hybridity; chadwick on youtube (5:06) (https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=c5btlo1nsne) The internet, the www and web 2. 0, a technical guide .