CMN 2170 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Communal Garden, Old Media, Ray Tomlinson

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Ne w me d ia - re vie w mid te rm. ***vinton cerf - created tcp/ip - father of internet. Novelty/importance of tech - ex te le gra ph firs t tra ns forma tion of info not through phys ica l, but through te ch a nd wire s. Th e in te rn e t, a te c h g u id e. Internet of things (the idea that we are creating a network of objects - we create it because w are embedding computer chips into tech - creates a networks of objects and thats called the internet of things. Www: mass info, collection of websites that ha been organized, search engines. Access the web through the internet the www is one of many ways you use the internet. Email isn"t web based, but the transition of info between two people is diff from web, but still the internet.