DCC 2117 Study Guide - Final Guide: Multilateral Treaty, General Medical Services, Precedent

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Dcc 2117 review document for final: constitutional law. The constitution provides us with answers pertaining to: What counts as a law? (a) legislation (statutes); (b) caselaw (court decisions); (c) the constitution (written provisions, unwritten principles); (d) indigenous legal traditions; (e) international law. The set of fundamental principles that describe the organizational framework of the state and the nature, scope, and limitations on the exercise of state authority. It is described as a body of rules about law making: it represents a primary set of rules that defines how the ordinary rules or laws in a society are to be made or changed. It defines the relationship among different kinds of laws by establishing their relative priority and clarifying how conflicts are resolved. It also describes how the primary or constitutional rules themselves can be created or changed. Includes a core set of documents and provisions that are constitutionally entrenched.