HSS 2381 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Normal Distribution, Type I And Type Ii Errors, Null Hypothesis

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Hss2381 - quantitative methods in health sciences i. Class 4b - hypothesis testing and errors: scientific thought, framework for scientific thought, the paradigm, theory, hypotheses, data, deduction and induction, example of theory and data, attributes of good theories. At the broadest level, we conduct research within a certain paradigm. Each hypothesis makes one or more predictions. As part of research, we collect data to evaluate predictions & by implication, the hypothesis. Depending if hypotheses generated by theory are supported by research, status of theory will be strengthened or weakened. A paradigm: a set of fundamental assumptions that determines how one approaches, thinks about, & seeks to understand the world. A paradigm is not something that is transient (like hypothesis). It was believed sun & all other celestial bodies revolved around earth. 400 years ago (1610), galileo built the first telescope.