HSS 2381 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Central Limit Theorem, Probability Density Function, Test Statistic

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Document Summary

Evidence-based practice (ebp): use of best clinical evidence in making patient care decisions. Reliability of ev, magnitude and precision of eff. Research is systematic inquiry that uses orderly, disciplined methods (including statistics) to answer questions or solve problems. The aim of nursing research is to generate evidence that can contribute to ebp for nurses. Statistics a collection of mathematical methods of organizing, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting information gathered in a study. Data the information gathered to address research questions. Research problem research question asked concepts defined/measured data collected data analyzed. Concept: an abstraction inferred from characteristics or behaviors. Variable is something that takes on different values, varies. Dependent: dependent on independent, outcome, interest of study. Measurement: assigning numbers to qualities of people or objects. Level of measurement: a system of classification with four types of measurement rules that affect the kind of statistical analysis that is appropriate. You may make high level to low level but not vice versa.