[PHI2397] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (38 pages long)

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Moral reflection on commerce and business is probably as old as the trade itself. Prescribing prices and tariffs and laying down both rules of commerce and harsh penalties for noncompliance, evidences some of civilizations earlier attempts ot establish the moral contour of commercial activity. Addresses explicitly commercial relations in its discussion of household management. Eg. , the talmud (200 ad) and the ten commandments (20:2- 17; deuteronomy 5:6-21), includes moral rules applicable to commercial conduct. Modern business ethics ii were created be early contributions to business ethics. Ethical conduct in business in an integral part of islamic ethical values. The creation of academic positions dedicated explicitly to business ethics in u. s. In 1987, in the midst of the insider trading scandal on wall street, former securities and exchange commission head john shad gave the harvard business school over 30 million for the purpose of starting a business ethics program there.