PSY3171- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 9 pages long!)

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Immediate emotional reaction to current danger: surge in the sympathetic branch of the ans. Comorbidity of anxiety disorders: co-occurrence of 2 or more disorders in an individual, most common additional diagnosis for anxiety disorders was major depression. Comorbidity with physical disorders: associated with thyroid disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease. Interferes with cognitive function, puts elderly at risk for falling down and breaking bones. Intense cognitive processing in frontal lobes (left hemisphere) Interoceptive avoidance avoidance of internal physical sensations. Panic control treatment: exposing patients with panic disorder to cluster of interoceptive/physical sensations that remind them of their attacks, therapist (cid:272)reates (cid:858)(cid:373)i(cid:374)i(cid:859) atta(cid:272)ks i(cid:374) offi(cid:272)e to ele(cid:448)ate their heart rates, remain better after at least 2 years. Cognitive-behavioural group therapy (cbgt: groups of patients rehearse/role-play their socially phobic situations in front of one another, aims to uncover and change the automatic or unconscious perceptions of danger. Tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase (mao) inhibitors are effect in treatment of severe social anxiety.