SOC 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Economic Globalization, Deindividuation, Symbolic Interactionism
Document Summary
To interact with others, we must learn the social rules. The norms of society/culture which tell us those behaviors are acceptable and which are unaccepted. The nurture argument: social isolation and feral children: children deprives of human contact have limited intellectual capacities, have no or limited experience with love or human interaction, and do not grasp language. Sociologist believe that social reality is constructed by people every time they interact with others. Agents of socialization: family, friends, school, work, relationships, and mass media. Outcomes of socialization include; gender role (women have their roles. Moral development (the rights and the wrongs we know). Orientation towards social class (high class stays/thinks high class; poor class stays/thinks poor). Adult socialization: in adulthood, socialization is concerned with quipping the individual to function effectively in adult roles: role acquisition; the major roles we acquire as adults include spouse, parent, work roles, grandparent retiree. Midlife (40 to 60) involves several role transitions; marital (divorce, widowhood).