SOC 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bourgeoisie, Theft, Normal Distribution

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Document Summary

Society: interactions with and amongst people with shared culture, values, norms. We cannot see it, but we can observe and measure the impact that it has on everyone that participates within it. We create it and yet it impacts how we behave and think. Sociology: the study of how individuals create, reinforce, and challenge society and its composing elements, and of how society in turn effects individuals and groups. It is how to better understand society and how society influences us. The relationship between society and individuals (dynamic) How our individualism relates to the broader social force that is society. Compelled to be together, to interact with other people, to belong to a group. We choose to be together in groups. Sociology studies what this means for our lives and our society: a person and people are very different. People is more than just a group of individuals. Emergent properties: 2 things that come together to form a new thing.