ANT203H5 Study Guide - Black Death, Allele Frequency, Hemoglobin

106 views3 pages
25 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Chapter 15 recent microevolution of human populations. Looking at the microevolution that occurred within our species recent evolutionary past as our ancestors moved out of africa . Local changes: genetic impact of historical events in ireland. There has been an influence on populations due to gene flow and genetic drift. There as also be different traits due to the influence of natural selection. Questions about population history look at origin of populations. Also looks at the relationship between historical events and genetic outcomes. Populations in terms of common ancestry and gene flow = are expected to make populations more similar genticially to each other *it is believed that they influence all genes and dna. Sequences to the same extent (exception is: mitochondrial dna (only transmitted by mother) and the y chromosome polymorphism transmitted by males only) Other instances don"t have the same impact throughout the genome.