67 views4 pages
9 May 2011

Document Summary

Employer branding is the image or impression of an organization as an employer based on the perceived benefits of being employed by the organization. define the target audience (and where to find them: step 2: why you want to come to apply for this particular company and not anywhere else: step 3: communicate the brand by incorporating the value proposition into all recruitment efforts. what the company promotes and their mission statements. Identify job openings: from hr planning/strategic planning. balancing supply and demand of labour: employee resignations/terminations. Specify job requirements: from job description/ specification. Select methods of recruitment www. notesolution. com: internal employees, external employees, generate pool of qualified applicants, employment equity / diverse goals. Job posting is the process of notifying current employees about vacant positions. 148: human recourses records are often consulted to ensure that qualified individuals are notified of vacant positions. Skills inventories are an even better reference tool.

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