ECO244Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Ukrainian Independent Information Agency, Canada Industrial Relations Board

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Lecture 6: explain the provision for expedited arbitration in the ontario labour relations. Act, discuss the problems with conventional grievance arbitration that the provision was intended to address, and assess the success of the expedited arbitration alternative. Compare and contrast the power of an arbitrator to the power of a judge in the legal system. They have the power to remove disciplinary action if no grounds for discipline, as well substitute lesser discipline if arbitrator thinks appropriate. http://www. lawyersnjurists. com/resource/articles and assignment/arbitrators judges arbitration meant court law explain: discuss the principles of the grievance arbitration process including the types of grievances, types of arbitration, powers of an arbitrator, and the range of mitigating factors in arbitration decisions. The power of an arbitrator is that they can decide any issue that arises out of the collective agreement. They have the power to remove disciplinary action if no grounds for discipline, as well substitute lesser discipline if arbitrator thinks appropriate.

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