POL208Y5 Final: Pol208 Exam review
167 views26 pages
1 Feb 2011
Document Summary
What is the difference between a state and a nation: the difference between a state and a nation is that a state is an entity that demonstrates sovereignty, territoriality and population. Some groups just require fair representation within their pre-existing state. It is more difficult for a state to get this legitimacy: states receive this legitimacy because they are recognized by other states, states house nations. Instrumental marxists view sees states as agents of bourgeoisie who react to societal pressures: structural marxists sees state as operating within capitalist structure, State where it expands: national interest reflects economic goals, national interests are neither material nor given, they are ever changing, states share variety of goals and values which are influenced by igos and ngos. What is sovereignty de jure and sovereignty de facto: sovereignty de jure means that a state is subservient to no one, laws made in the us don"t affect.
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