PHL105Y5 : Renes Descartes Meditation 1 and 2

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Skepticism: this is anyone who challenges our beliefs. if the belief isn"t certain and have reasons to doubt then you should reject your belief. it doesn"t have to be everything that you question, but the basic principles that all your beliefs rested on: reasons to doubt 1. He believes that people"s beliefs came from their senses. he believes that the senses deceive, and we should never completely trust those who have deceived us even once: reasons to doubt 2. but then he realized that madmen have some sort of brain damage/disorder. people with mental illnesses can be deceived depending on what their mind are telling them: reasons to doubt 3. People who sleep can dream about the same experience while asleep while madmen do when awake. sleeping is deceiving because when you are dreaming you are in a fake world . sometimes people actually believe in their dreams, although they are false.

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