PHL105Y5 Midterm: Mid-Term Test Philosophers review
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P hl 105y m idterm test review philosophers and their philosophy. The person who has said to himself there is no god, is able to understand the concept or definition of. God, once he thinks about this concept or definition, he will have to realize that god actually exists: god = the being greater than which nothing can be thought. Existing in mind vs. actually existing. (i. e. , the painter has the picture in mind then executed it) A being which exists in both mind and actuality is greater than a being which exists only in the mind. He t ries to show that if anselm"s argument works, we"d also be able to prove the real existence of a maximally wonderful island. So there must be something wrong with anselm"s argument. The fool can reply that this thing is said already to exist in the mind only in the sense that i understand what is said.
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