PSY100Y5 : stress
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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stress is any circumstance that threatens or perceives to threaten one"s well being and thereby tax one"s coping. many everyday events such as waiting in line, having car trouble, shopping for gifts and/or misplacing one"s chequebook are all different types of stress. a major event such as getting a divorce can also lead to a number of stressors such as looking for a lawyer, changing bank accounts and taking on new household responsibilities. The culmative nature of stress stress adds up: at home, at school and at work. a study of hospitalized patients awaiting surgery showed only a slight correlation between the objective seriousness of a person"s upcoming surgery and the amount of fear experienced by the patient. This notion concludes that people"s appraisal of stressful events is highly. acute stressors: are threatening events that have a relatively short duration and a clear end point.