PSY321H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Bowlby, Social Cognition, Ingroups And Outgroups
Document Summary
Individualism vs. collectivism: look out for self and immediate family vs. members of in group, power distance, degree to which cultures will encourage less powerful members of groups and acceptance of unequal distributions of power, uncertainty avoidance, degree to which people feel threatened by unknown or ambiguous situation and have developed beliefs, institutions, or ritual to avoid them, masculinity vs. femininity, success, money vs. caring for others, long vs. short term orientation, the degree to which cultures encourage delayed gratification of material, social and emotional needs among its members. Language: another tool is cognitive abilities that allow for complex social cognition, memory and reasoning, emotions, personality traits, allows humans to adapt to their environments in order to meet their needs, humans have shared intentionality and ability to continually build upon improvements, universal psychological tool kit lead to cumulative cultural learning, ratchet effect: cultural information can continue to accumulate without losing the earlier information.