PSY352H5 : Animal learning and memory
Document Summary
We don"t have to wait around to grow fur in a cold area, instead we can move to a warmer place. Learning and memory have been demonstrated in a wide variety of species. * chimpanzees can learn complex tasks including sign language. * dogs learn to respond to a large number of human signals appropriately. * rats learn to navigate mazes to find reward. * pigeons learn to peck at the appropriate button to obtain food. * fish respond to light associated with shock. * fruit flies associate odour cues with tapping. * even worms, like the nematode caenorhabditis elegans can learn and remember: associative learning with olfactory cues. Learning and memory are crucial and thus have been demonstrated in a wide variety of species. Learning and memory represent a series of processes that allow experience dependent modification of behaviour ( behaviour can be changed based on experience: learning: Acquiring information about stimuli (associations: memory: