PSY352H5 : Ch. 1 Study Guide

101 views7 pages
18 Jan 2011

Document Summary

The field of animal behavior is diverse and may be studied from a variety of perspectives. It is useful to consider behaviors as adaptations. A single behavior will not serve, or serve the same purpose in all situations, and behaviors are adapted to be effective in the environment of the animal performing them. It is wrong to think of an animal behavior as a general interest or a purely academic subject. The study of animal behavior is an important science which has a clear applied context. Many species of octopus and squid release a cloud of ink into the water forming a dummy squid termed a pseudomorph. Some other species wouldn"t use the inky-black pseudomorph in deep ocean depth because it wouldn"t be seen. So instead they secrete a luminescent ink, creating a brief a flash of light which is thought to confuse a potential predator just long enough for an escape to be affected.