SOC244H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Exogamy, Nonverbal Communication, Cloning

151 views10 pages
19 Sep 2018

Document Summary

The word family= a band of slaves> people affiliated by blood and marriage. Census family: a legal definition of the family used by statistics canada. Reconstituted family: formed by adults who have married previously + who bring children from their previous marriage to the new marriage, forming a new family unit. Step family: children of one married spouse/common-law partner complex stepfamilies: 1 child from both parents + 1 from 1 parent. Transnational family: live same/most of the time separated from each other, yet hold together with collective welfare + unity. Military nuclear families: one member of the family stationed overseas/ undergoing training while other member stays home with children couples living apart together (lat): couples maintain separate household + may/may not be married. Intentional families: 2/2+ individuals, not related by blood or marriage, call themselves a family, may share residents + finances + common lifestyle = the need for human companionship. + emotional connection that comes from shared experiences.