WGS200Y5 Midterm: This includes all the notes for midterm study. Good Luck

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Lecture 1: what is women and gender studies. This approach can be used to critically analyze the power relationships between any group of peoples (feminism is ?inclusive? : feminist analysis: They were desk workers, decoys, or they were accompanied by male police officers while patrolling (the men were still the protectors: women as care takers and nurturers was emphasized, as was men as protectors. Athletes accused on being male/female based on gender testing, when they appear to be female/male: eg. Sexual reassignment surgery is done at birth for individuals who are both/neither gender definitively. 1:1000 babies are born like this: intersex (have both male and female sex characteristics) thailand and iran have the highest rate of sexual reassignment. It is most often done at birth and often leads to individuals feeling like they are in the wrong body. Girls play with barbie"s, boys play with trucks.

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