WGS335H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Frantz Fanon, Sexual Objectification, Heteronormativity

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Lecture: sexuality, desire and keeping it real: sex and sexual desire are often made invisible, we don"t talk about it critically, what does this mean for social relationships, sexuality and sexual desire structure much of our social interaction. Written into social structure through sexual and romantic relationships and reproduction. Desire: the unconscious want that shape what we long for (and lust for and need: desire, franz fanon desire" "when it encounters resistance from the other, self consciousness undergoes the experience of. From black skin, white mask: desire goes beyond sexuality but this is the desire we focus on today. : " gender organized in relation to the reproductive area of sexual arousal, intercourse, childbirth, infant care, bodily sex differences and similarity: dominant masculinities are heterosexualized and heteronormative. Heteronormative: the presumption and creation of a social world in which the normal sexuality is heterosexuality (straightness). It also defines normalcy as the two opposed genders, males and female.