ANTB14H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Birmingham City Centre, Lithic Reduction, Middle Paleolithic

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25 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Primatology non human primates: descriptions of primate anatomy thru field studies of wild animals, primate psychology. Paleoanthropology non human and human primates: variations in human cultural activities, behaviour (moving across landscape) Human variation: spatial and temporal variations in human features (skin pigmentation, skeletal, dental) Medical anthropology: effects of social, environmental and biological factors on human health and illness (poor nutrition, breastfeeding) Forensic anthropology: focus on skeletal remains of humans (determine age, sex, trauma, etc. ) Descriptive: collecting data of the subjects (non-causal relationships tail length, color) Causal: one thing that causes change to another (tail length due to locomotion?) Applied research: determining the mean by which a need can be met. Carl linnaeus: taxonomy: classify plants & animals in groups of similarities/differences, binomial nomenclature: way of naming with two names. Georges-louis leclerc: biogeography: geographical distribution of organisms; species change and evolve when they move from birthplace.