ANTC61H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Body Politic, Biomedicine, Medical Anthropology
Document Summary
Hello all, here are a number of study questions to help you prepare for the final exam for antc61, which will consist entirely of short and long answer questions. The following sample questions will not all be on the exam, nor will they necessarily appear in exactly the same form. But if you prepare thoughtful answers to these questions, you should be able to perform quite well on both the short answer and long answer questions on the final. One student asked about what i am looking for in the short & long answer questions. You don"t need to say a lot necessarily; rather, i"m looking at the coherence and depth of understanding in what you say. You will be provided with a sheet listing the authors" names and article titles for all of the required readings this term, if you wish to refer to them in formulating your answer (a wise idea).