BIOC58H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Environmental Factor, Perennial Plant, Enhanced Weathering

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10 Apr 2015

Document Summary

The following are the biological factors of climate change that influence the distribution of species: niche-describes the behavior of organisms/species living under specific environmental conditions-how an organism or a population responds to the distribution of resources and competitors. Two different species for example can coexist in an overlapping niche space but have different temperature and moisture requirement. It is most sensitive to temperature and moisture and can be subdivided into 2 zones: optimal zone (where temp and moisture is perfect) and the marginal zone (where temp and moisture are not perfect but are tolerable. Thus the distribution of an organism will be controlled by whichever environmental factor that organism has the narrowest range for. For example, if a mosquito has a narrow range for temperature (>18 only) then its distribution will be limited to environments that have temperatures greater than 18 degrees only-this is known as.

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