BIOD27H3 Study Guide - Covalent Bond, Ionic Bonding, Atomic Mass

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26 Jun 2011

Document Summary

Chemistry review: atoms: the building blocks of all matter, composed of 3 smaller particles: neutrons: unchged: protons and neutrons account for most of the atom"s mass. clustered in the center of the atom in the nucleus, a dense body: lightweight e- s rapidly move around the nucleus, which accounts for almost all of the atom"s vol. most of an atom"s vol is empty space: atomic number: # of atom"s protons in its nucleus, determines the element, which is the simplest type of matter. 3 elements oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen make up more than. p+"s and no"s have about the same mass of roughly 1 amu (e- s are much much smaller) The released e may also be emitted as radiation: free radicals: atoms that are converted (via radiation) into. disrupts normal cell function www. notesolution. com: anitoxidents are substances that prevent cell damage by giving up electrons w/o becoming free radicals.

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