BIOD27H3 Study Guide - Abdominopelvic Cavity, Extracellular Fluid, Fluid Compartments
Document Summary
Chapter 3 notes: biological compartments = varied, some come are completely enclosed structured. biochemical processes that would conflict w/ e/o are separated from e/o. contents in one compartment can differ from contents in another compartment, even for adjacent compartments: cons: barriers make it hard for needed materials of one compartment to move to that compartment. Functional compartments of the body: human body has 3 major body cavities, cranial cavity (skull) [cranium, skull) contains the brain, our primary control center: thoracic cavity (thorax) bounded by the spine and ribs on top and sides, w/ the muscular diaphragm forming the floor. surrounds the heart and the lungs www. notesolution. com: heart is enclosed in a membranous pericardial sac [peri-, around + cardium, heart]; both lungs are enclosed in separate pleural sacs, abdominopelvic cavity. abdomen and pelvis form one continuous cavity.