BIOD27H3 : An Integrated Approach 5th Ed. - Ch. 4
Document Summary
= essential for biological processes to maintain life: w/o e, cells would not be able to: animals extract the e contained in biomolecules through the process of respiration, which consumes o2 and produces co2 and water. excess e is stored in chemical bonds mainly in glycogen (glucose polymer) and lipid molecules (in animals) Concept check: amino acids and nucleic acids always include nitrogen in their chemical makeup. Energy is used to perform work: energy: the capacity to do work, work (in biological systems) means one of three specific things: Activation energy gets reactions started: activation energy: the initial input of e needed to cause reactants to react w/ e/o. E of the reactants energy is thus trapped: energy-utilizing reaction. A + b + enzyme c + d + enzyme in enzymatically catalyzed rxns, the reactants are called substrates.