CHMB41H3 Final: Dalili CHMB41 DECEMBER 11TH 2006 FINAL EXAM.pdf

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26 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Chm b4ti*} rfitq*r eitnli4 fall 2006 becember ltth 2006. Fxmrcrnuar be written in nnn-eraetble irrl {not-{ehcil} " n:". No model*, whife ink, calcul ators,pagefs or cell phone* alla,a,ed. Thie exam bocklet containe 12 quextion pages + 2 blank pages. Question i out af 16 out of 60 cuto{ 20 out of 20 out cf 14 sut of 18 out of 16 cut of l6. Give a brief explanation for your rankings. (16 marks): (b) cf3ch:co2h ; Reasons: since all are the samt: stnlcl. ure, except lbr the halide used. the rcsona tbnns of all rvill be the t?*! : thc only difference is ttre electrrrnegativiry of rhe halide, and the nurnber og halidss fbr p" the most elesrmnegatire halide stabitizei thc anion mosr. b) Stroncest acrrl e$"f;ons: rest:nancc tilrms; a has a negative charge next ta cf3, so is the strangest acid. g has nrr resonance frnm the phenoxide- c has rcrsonsnce, bul t6c negative charge is never close tcr the.

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