EESA01H3 Midterm: MIDTERM notes Chapter 1,5,6,11,13
Document Summary
The first photographs of the planet earth were taken in 1967. A photograph of the planet earth reveals a great deal but it does not show the complexity of our environment. Our environment is more then water land and air; it is the total of our surroundings. I t includes biotic (living things) and abiotic (none living things) components. Our environment has abiotic physical constituents such as ocean, clouds, rivers, and icecaps. I t also has biotic such as animals, plants, forests, soils, and people that occupy the landscape. People commonly use the term environment" in a narrow sense such that it is apart from human society. This is unfortunate because it masks the fact that humans are a part of the interactions that characterise the environment. In its most inclusive sense our environment includes the complex webs of scientific, ethical, political, economic and social relationships that shape our daily lives.