EESA10H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carbamate, Salmonellosis, Smog
Document Summary
Non-transmissible diseases: shellfish-associated toxins, color additives, obesity, diabetes. Extensive use of nitrate fertilizers: leach into groundwater, hhe: Nitrates change hemoglobin to a form that cannot carry oxygen. Pesticide contains active ingredients to kill organisms but has no restraint, on a cultural one: limits: resistance, some pests are resistant and breed. Selective herbicides: kills broad-leaved plants, used in the military. Nonselective herbicides- kills all: roundup ready genetically engineered soybeans that are tolerant. Diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, vomiting, headaches, blood in stool. Not life threatening: more severe for people with certain diseases, young and old. E. coli: diarrhea, abdominal cramps, 2-7% hemolytic uremic. Botulism: rare but serious (fatal, nerve toxin of bacterium. Salmonella: source: naturally found in animal intestines, small turtles common, salmonellosis: flu, no treatment needed, recalls. Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis: source: soil, vegetation, sewage, water, silage, feces, animals/humans, listeria can survive and grow in foods in the fridge. Appears normal: killed by proper cooking techniques, listeriosis serious in pregnant women and elderly.