EESA10H3 : Cornell-style notes, lecture 3

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Human health and the environment mid-term study notes. Notes: water is necessary for our existence, removes wastes and dilutes pollutants, total amount of water removed from a river, lake or aquifer for any purpose. Some of this is returned: quality and quantity, of the water available only 1% is fresh (drinkable) water, location of water: plenty of water just unreachable. 4: disinfection byproducts, fecal coli form and e. coli contamination with. Industrial organic contaminants human and animal wastes, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, renal failure, coagulation disorders. Salmonella typhi typhoid fever (high fever, ab pain, constipation: shigella sp, vibro cholerae, norwalk viruses, enteroviruses, adenoviruses diarrheal illness, hep a, cryptosporidium, giardia lamblia, can damage dna thus increasing chances of cancer www. notesolution. com. Organophosphates: not very dangerous in water, has been used in the treatment of illnesses, radon colourless and odorless gas, decays radioactive isotopes polonium-218 &214.

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