EESA10H3 : Cornell-style notes, lecture 4

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Direct effects: bind to hormone receptors, alter the appearance of some genes, changes the level of produced proteins. Des have many health problems (i. e. reproductive organ disfunction, abornormal pregnancy, lower fertility) Health implications: feminization of males: alter time to puberty thyroid dysfunction: hormones affect brain development, central nervous system fetus is vulnerable. Neurobehavioural effects: before and after birth, pcbs: impaired learning, distractibility, Chemical body burdens poor iq tests, brain development: chemicals accumulate in body, which is a burden, builds up in tissues and difficult to break- down www. notesolution. com. Ddt: different chemicals in different organs and parts, low-concentrations become difficult to detect, bio-monitoring: monitor chemical levels so they are normal . No guidelines for normal: formed during: 1. Manufacturing process: found in food, pop: persistent organic pollutant difficult to remove, accumulates in the fat tissue, binds to receptors present in cells, which binds to enzymes in the cell. Effect in low levels: on going research.

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