EESC19H3 Final: Final Exam Possible Questions and Answers
Document Summary
L8: heat capacity of sea water (equation, heat fluxes and rate of change of temperature in a mixed layer (equation, seasonal cycle of surface mixed layer (figure see attached paper) Note the terms [1] homogeneous in warming, [3] mid-summer winds are weaker so mixing does not reach deep layers. Cooling [1] vertical overturn, deepens the mixed layer until winter [5] Heat capacity of water cp ~ 4. 0 x 103 j. kg. -1c-1. 4,000 j to heat up 1. 0 kg of sea water by 1c. Thermal energy equation e = cp m t. Thermal energy stored in the first 2. 5m of the ocean is the same as the entire atmosphere. Heat flux transfer of heat output and input from sea to atmosphere due to imbalance. Flux of heat changes surface density, therefore buoyancy of the surface waters, and as a result it is sometimes called buoyancy flux.