GGRA30H3 Study Guide - Geocoding, Stochastic Process, Census Tract
Document Summary
Geocoding: more accurate than using tiger to approx- imate addresses. No geocoding is pos- sible if address not listed, post office box, or incomplete, or wrong county assigned. Parel : a plot of land, usually a division of a larger are. A semi-log model of blood lead level (lead exposure) for proper- ties with screened children. The regression model: with the relationship between some outcome and one factor. Suppose, for example, we want to know something about how education level affects income, Spatial autocorrelation statistics measure and analyze the degree of dependency among observations in a geographic space. Classic spatial autocorrelation statistics include moran"s and geary"s and getis"g. Classic spatial autocorrelation statistics compare the spatial weights to the covariance relationship at pairs of locations. Partitioning ofgeographic title (1) coverage and no over lap essellation is the process of creating a two-dimensional plane using the repetition of a geometric shape with no overlaps and no gaps.