GGRB32H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Distance Decay, Arcmap, Faraday'S Law Of Induction

207 views9 pages
7 Feb 2018

Document Summary

2. 3 raster analysis: the purpose and effect of raster reclassification, flow diagrams for describing geoprocessing, raster math: local, neighbourhood, zonal, and global scopes. 2. 4 model builder: what"s a (cid:373)odel pa(cid:396)a(cid:373)ete(cid:396), pu(cid:396)pose of iterators, ***given procedure, draw a model builder, circles represent values, squares represent tools, hexagon is an iterator. Planar topology requires features to occur on 2d surface and at each line crossing, there must be an intersection. Must not self-intersect: streets are not allowed to overlap themselves , fixing requires simplify tool for lines. Must not overlap: line features are not allowed to share/duplicate street segments, fixing requires the subtract tool for lines. Setting sources: geodatabase feature dataset vs shapefile (a geodatabase enables point feature classes, line feature classes and line features with turn attributes) Turns are added to restrict travel or add additional travel time. Connectivity groups (creation of junctions wherever 2 lines have coincident vertices or create junctions at endpoints only)

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