HLTA02H3 : Summary of Lectures (Part 1)
Document Summary
Torontians are less active than other canadians, and are less chubby than ontarians. 57% of 12+ older were inactive during leisure time. Percentage of people in toronto riding their bicycles grew to 54% 1945 universal healthcare medicare saskatchewan. Bio-medical approach to health care services socio-demographics. Montreal two-tier system if you can pay for it you can have the surgery. Toronto self-service check-in, reduce wait times. Bill 179 to provide ontarians with better resources, better access, better mixture of physician, improve chronic management by regulation health care professional and reducing barriers to the practice. Nurse practitioners can now prescribe drugs without physician authorization, set a cast, communicate a diagnosis directly to a patient, Pharmacist can now repeat drugs without going back to doctor. Cuba /439need consent to travel there, Quebec - 24 hours shifts to 16 hours shifts. Stomach cancer diet high in salt and salt preserved foods.