1) Quantitatively the largest class of immunoglobulins in humanserum is: a) IgG b) IgA c) IgM d) IgD e)IgE
2) A viral vaccine for the common cold probably would not bebeneficial because: a) A pure culture cannot be frown in tissuecultures b) A multiplicity of viral agents is responsible for thecommon cold c) Immunity is of brief duration d) All of the above e)None of the above
3)A point to note in relation to tuberculosis is: a) It isalways acute b) It is always chronic c) The outcome of the strugglebetween the tubercle bacillus and the hist may not be decided formany years d) The disease is always confined to the lungs e) Noneof the above
4) Characteristics associated with virulent staphylococciinclude: a) Coagulase positive b)Fermentation of mannitol c) Betatype hemolysis on blood agar d)all of the above e) only A and C
5) The basic lesion produced by staphylococci is : a)abscessb)ulcer c)varicose veins d)Impetigo e)none of the above
6)The most common method for the transmission of serum hepatitisis: a) direct injection b) Respiratory secretions c) Fomities d)Contaminated water e) None of the above
7)The direct cause of the symptoms of tetanus is: a)Endotoxinb)Exotoxin c)Toxic effect of the cell d)Hemolysins e)none of theabove