HLTB21H3 : Entire Course Study Guide - in CHART format!
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From the rat flea (xenopsylla cheopis) can survive on own. Human flea (pulex irritans) transferred to humans from rats or infect ppl. Spread with skin contact (lesions), resp. droplets, constant contact with infected ppl. Bubonic: buboes = large swellings (grapefruit size), purple/black, filled of pus swollen lymph glands (under armpits, groin) Nausea, vomiting, blisters, fever, headache, delirium, chills, muscle pain. 4/5 infected ppl died within 8 days of infection. Pneumonic = affects respiratory system immortality rate = 90-95% until 1700s. -00;0/94-04/87,9 flagellants = ppl whipped themselves to ward of plague and sin spread disease b/c spilled pus. Scapegoat: jews, lepers, coughing, congestion, bloody cough. Septicemia = affects blood black nails, bleeding into skin, blood clots, fever, lox bp, diarrhea, organ failure foreigners, beggars miasmas (finger pointing) Great london fire in 1665 stopped plague. 18th ce lasted 7 years, 5-8 months at a time in region. Death rate 30-50% in europe and middle east.