HLTB21H3 : Cholera
Document Summary
Pettenkofers theory there was a factor in the air, called x, but x could not cause disease by itself. What was required, he said, is factor y, which was to be found in the soil. By itself, y too did not cause disease, but when x got into the soil and united with y, it gave rise to z, a. he believed that cleaning up water, as well as food and fresh air would improve health. Louis pasteur (1822-2895) microbes (yeasts, bacteria and protozoa) cause disease in animal and humans, but they are involved in decay and fermentation. pasteurization method for reducing spoilage by heating and then cooling. Robert koch (1843-1910) along with his colleagues identified the microbial agents responsible for anthrax, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and tetanus. Identified causative agent for microbial0induced disease called koch"s postulates. Koch"s postulates parasite occurs in every case of the disease. Parasite does not occur in other diseases.