HLTC02H3 : C03 feb 16.odt
Document Summary
Canadian constitution assigns responsibility for health administration to the provinces. Federal government retains influences over health care with its spending power, ie . Declining federal role and increasing push for privatization- decentralization and stronger role for provincial and territorial government. Esping andersen typology of welfare states i. Esping andersen typology of welfare states ii. Liberal welfare state : means tested assistance, modest universal transfers , and modest social- insurance plans. Levels of social security and public employment expenditures. Population health: improving health status of the population rather than individuals. Power rrelations electoral behaviour and trade union Predictors of declines in in fants mortality and increases in life expectancy in oecd nations. Markets are the most efficient allocators of resources in prducion and distribution; Alesina, a & glaeser , el(2004) fighting poverty in the us and eurpoe: a world od difference toronto.