HLTC02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Stratification, Social Capital, Free Education

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15 May 2012

Document Summary

Week 11: role of knowledge in public health and health promotion policy change (toba. Public health and health promotion have tended to rely on traditional scientific forms of knowledge to guide policy and programmes: usually associated with medical/clinical/epidemiological expertise, led to an emphasis in lifestyle issues (behavioural model) Therefore detracts attention from political and socioeconomic issues. Policy change: a new direction in public policy. 2 patterns of policy change: normal/routine policy change: only makes minor/slight variations (aka incremental change, paradigmatic policy change: fundamentally new direction in state policy. The shift from a focus on hospitals and diagnosistic services to a health promotion and disease prevention focus. Policy change occurs within a social, economic and political context and it involves competition in policy community. All members of an advocacy coalition share a set of beliefs or ideology. The deep normative core (consists of fundamental ontological beliefs) The near policy core (consists of coalitions policy positions)