HLTC22H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Somatic Nervous System, Thymus, Long-Term Memory
Document Summary
Skin: critical in temperature balance and in homeostasis. Xerosis: excessive sun exposure and pollutants, cooler climates, home heating systems, cold winter air causes body to protect itself by drawing blood supply away from skin. Pressure ulcers: area of skin that breaks down: being in wheelchair, older age. Seborrheic keratoses: non cancerous growth of outer layer of skin, main feature is waxy pasted-on appearance, not caused by sunlight. First sign that malignant tumor has spread is swelling of nearby lymph nodes, but cancer can spread to almost any part of body. Lung cancer: highest rate of deaths in cancer. 40% of canadian women will develop cancer during lifetime, 45% for men. 62% people expected to survive for five years after cancer diagnosis. Hard tissue: bone loss, weakening, menopause, osteoporosis (low levels of calcium, phosphorus) Arthritis: over 100 types, inflammation of one or more of joints. Two common types: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis joint pain and stiffness.