HLTC22H3 : Lecture notes & text book incorporated study guide
Document Summary
Introduction to the course: course outline, assignments and exams. What is wisdom? the knowledge that comes with experience. Countries: seek out the elderly for counsel, and opinion because they are wise. Part of the reason that we look at the elderly here more than often as being a burden/challenge is because we have a fear of getting old ourselves. It is the last stage before we die, and we discriminate against them because we are scared of going through these processes that we learn about. We want to stay young forever, and part of the research about the elderly looks at ways that we can trick the aging process and deny the inevitable. We try to look younger (buy products). When we are younger we try to look older and when we are older we try to look younger. It is the way its perceived because of the research and theories of aging that make us believe certain things.