HLTC22H3 : Lecture notes & text book incorporated study guide

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1 Dec 2010

Document Summary

In order for the organs to function properly, they must be able to recognize changes in both the external and internal environment and be able to communicate with each other to maintain homeostasis, avert dangers, and manage growth. N we can"t deny age related changes of regulatory systems. N for organs to function properly we need to allow the body to communicate and maintain homeostasis. N the sensory system is composed of five senses: touch, smell, taste, hearing and vision. Sensory organs allow the nervous system to gain information about the external environment: allows nervous system to gather information about the external environment, touch: skin allows us to sense external environment. S both touch and pressure receptors (meissner"s corpuscles and pacinian corpuscles) have age related changes. S touch impairment = diabetic neuropathy: changes to sensory system causes problems. S ex. person who has had a stroke > loses sensation, can"t tell apart hot and cold.

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